1. 国立大学(Государственный университет Новосибирска),是西伯利亚最大的大学和前苏联最好的大学之一,建于1950年7月3日。它坐落在俄罗斯的新西伯利亚市,靠近阿尔泰山脉和萨彦岭的边界处。有2个大的校区和一个分校。其中主校区在市中心附近,而分校则在南边约十公里远的地方。
西伯利亚大学的学术水平很高。在西伯利亚大学所获得的学士学位等同于欧洲其他大学的硕士学位。该大学大约有48,500名学生在读,其中包括来自世界各地的3千多名留学生,约占学生总数的6%。它的规模很大,共有超过150个系科,分布在各个学院中。 西伯利亚大学拥有全俄最好的图书馆,藏书达400万册以及大量的期刊资料。学校内还有博物馆、礼堂、电影院、足球场、游泳池、网球场、溜冰场等娱乐设施。
从1950年起,这所大学一直作为苏联教育制度的典范被广为宣扬。到九十年代初,它是全世界最大的高等学府之一。 在2006年底之前,这所大学正在重新进行大规模的扩建工程以适应日益扩大的教学需要和学生人数增长的需要。这个校园计划耗资四十亿卢布(约合十二亿人民币)。
2. 新西伯利亚植物园 Sibirskiy Botanicheskiy Sadebi (Сибирский Ботанический Сад), 12A Zavodskoy Prospekt,电话+7-383-329-56-22。位于Zavodsky大街上,是西伯利亚地区最重要的植物园和旅游点。
由德国人创建于1899年的植物园占地35公顷, 栽种着10,000种植物(包括亚高山带植物,针叶林和针叶灌木丛), 其中有700多种是在这片土地上首次栽培的植物;园内还建有自然历史博物馆。植物园开放时间是9:00~18:00,门票价格为320₽。
3. 谢尼亚文公园 & 雕塑公园 & 高架花园
Sergeev Park and Sculpture Garden is a small park, located south of the city centre at Ulitsa Kirovakaya, 9. It was built in honour of Sergei Sergueiev (or Seryozha), who helped to establish Siberia as part of Russia, from 1581 onwards. The park opened on his birthday on November 4th, 1932. In it there are several sculptures including one of Lenin, which used to stand outside the building where he stayed when visiting Novosibirsk during the October Revolution. There is also an ice rink, a zoo with some animals kept inside cages rather than in open areas for fear that they might escape into the surrounding forest. The zoo has been closed down since May 2012 but plans have been put forward by the local government to turn the area into a sculpture garden instead, similar to the famous Sculpture Park in St Petersburg or the one next to Gorky Park in Moscow. An Englishman named Peter Lanyon worked here until recently and had turned this place somewhat into 'English garden' although not all locals appreciate these efforts too much, saying such things like "This guy thinks he can do better and make this place more interesting? I don’t think so" But most people still come here because it is close to downtown and beautiful especially late autumn/early winter time, many couples take pictures under these trees in November and December due to their red leaves.
The new Sergiev Park consists of two parks — old and new ones, separated only by the